Changelog #1 | New features from 26.03.2020

Comparison of the designs of Gaming-Lounge Left = NEW RIGHT= ALT

Hello, Gamers,

★ New design of the Gaming Lounge website! ★

With today we would like to present you the new design of Gaming-Lounge. This design has replaced the old one and will be the new standard design in the future.

If you find this decision hard to live with, don't be sad, because the old design will still be available in the style selection at the bottom of each page! Those of you who have been around for a while and have a look at the style/design selection will quickly notice that the older designs are called "WIP! Gaming Lounge #1" And"!WIP! Gaming-Lounge #2" are no longer available. We have deactivated them for all users, because we have stopped working on these designs for time reasons and do not want to publish half things on our beloved website.

★ Ticket System ★

We have also implemented a ticket system to better handle your requests and problems and to process them faster. We have also created a support email account. To submit a ticket via the e-mail system, you just have to send an e-mail to (please note that the ticket creation can take up to 10 minutes).

★ Teamspeak Info & Group Assigner ★

Since the beginning of March a Gaming-Lounge Teamspeak Info page is online. It contains a Teamspeak Viewer so you can check if a certain user is online at any time and anywhere. You also get information about the server ping, free slots, server uptime, server version, ping and packet loss.

In the second tab of the website you can add and remove server groups on your own.

In the third tab Banns you can get information about which bans are currently active, why the user was banned, who the banning admin was, when the ban was issued and until when the ban is still active and. Here you get to the statssite: Please login to see this link. alternatively there is also a link in the main menu.

★ Rankingbot (Stats Page) ★

In response to requests from the community, the Teamspeak Rankingbot was also reactivated as Teamspeak Stats in mid-February. However, also on request of the community the server levels were not reactivated because they were felt to be "annoying". This was also the reason why the bot was deactivated about 1 year ago. In the future, the ranking offered only for recording and comparison, which serve online times. Here you get to the info page: Please login to see this link. alternatively a link is available in the main menu.

If someone does NOT agree with the recording and publication of his collected online time, this person can be removed from the ranking if requested. Please open a ticket to do so!

★ Gaming Lounge Server Status ★

In order to be able to publish a fast (live) and transparent status of our servers and services, we have set up a status page with 31.01.2020. A corresponding infobox was also integrated on our primary website. Here you get to the status page: Please login to see this link. alternatively a link is available in the main menu.

★ Commissioning Gaming Lounge Mail ★

In order to fulfill our ambition and promise of continuous improvement, we have now also set up a mail server. Unfortunately we cannot provide a Gaming Lounge email for you, because we do not want to mutate to a spam mail provider. However, as we would like to give something back to our most active users, you can request your own gaming-lounge email address via the ticket system. This e-mail can be integrated into all common e-mail clients, additionally we offer a webmail client. This can be accessed under the URL Please login to see this link.. It is also possible to register and integrate your own e-mail address. However, only the providers from THIS list are admitted.

★ Footer Links ★

Finally, we have combined all the services mentioned above and more at the end of the home page. (!Admin Links can only be accessed by authorized users!)

Best regards

Your Gaming Lounge Team:saint: